Adele Howitt
Humberside, UK

Thrown and hand-built matt midnight blue terracotta. Approx 30cms high £650


Hand-built black clay with blue, balck and white glaze 40x28cm £650


Hand-built white clay with pink and white reactive glaze 25x18cm £250

Terracotta. Satin Black Cherry Glaze 45 x 30 x 22 cm £1,800 photo Graeme Oxby

Hand built Ceramic Stoneware with artist’s own matt white barium glaze, 2021 approx. 15x15x15cm £300



SOLD photo Graeme Oxby


About the Artist
Adele Howitt is an artist who predominately works with clay. The work has long been associated with innovation, site specificity, creative engagement and place making within the public realm on large – scale projects. Design and flow for the greater good enters the work as ideas are developed into architectural artwork for healthcare environments, school playgrounds, and collaborations with industry. History and identity of the landscape both in urban and rural situations, combined with the scientific relevance of pattern and the global affects on biodiversity, are concepts that are researched and developing into various forms.

Photograph: Graeme Oxby